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ARCHANGEL is the 65th aura listed in the collection, and has a 1 in 250,000,000 chance of being rolled.


The player is provided with six wings glowing white and yellow, resembling those of a biblically accurate angel, this one in particular being an ARCHANGEL. The player is armed with a flaming greatsword, which is periodically stabbed into the ground for ten seconds, then removed for ten seconds, before repeating the cycle. Above the player's head, there is a burning halo, as well as a double-pointed shape of light with what seems to be a holy sigil behind it. Along with the sigil, a faint fire effect is also added. A large ring of bright, white tinted fire surrounds the player's feet, accompanied by an outwards effect on the floor. Faint yellow smoke ensnares from the player, and the entire aura is shrouded in many different layers of yellow debris.

Ability - Smite

ARCHANGEL's greatsword is slammed down by the player, causing two layers of explosives to form in a straight line. On the first layer of the explosion, the explosion moves upwards. On the second layer, the number of explosives increases, and they explode much higher. Immediately after that, a firestorm-like explosion surrounds the explosives.


The first round of 3 explosives will hit nearby players, dealing 10 HP in damage per explosion, for a total of 30 HP in damage dealt. The second layer of explosives will deal a total of 12 HP in damage.


ARCHANGEL has a special opening effect. Its opening consists of a beige star, followed by yellowish fog. The cutscene is followed by multiple feathers, which begin descending from the top of the screen. A quiet chorus can be heard in the background, as a beige cross pulses twice behind the star, revealing the ARCHANGEL aura. Half a second after the cutscene ends, an angelic-like pulse sound can be heard.


  • ARCHANGEL is one of the few auras to have a possible rework in upcoming Eras.


ViewEditAura Navigation
1-99,999 CommonUncommonGoodNaturalRareDivinusCrystallizedRageTopazRubyForbiddenEmeraldGildedInkGlacierJackpotSapphireAquamarineWindDiaboliPreciousGlockMagneticSidereumBleeding:Flushed:HAZARDQuartzUndeadCorrosiveRage : HeatedL E A KPoweredAquaticSTARLIGHTStar RiderLunarSolarFlushed : LobotomyNautilusHAZARD : RAYSPermafrostStormalExotic
100k-9m Diaboli : VoidCometUndead : DevilJadeBOUNDEDCelestialKyawthuiteArcaneMagnetic : Reverse PolarityUndefinedAstralGravitationalUNBOUNDVirtualPoseidonAQUATIC · FLAMEZeusGalaxyLunar : Full MoonSolar : SolsticeTwilightHades« CELESTIAL ✰ DIVINE »Hyper-Volt
10m-98m STARSCOURGESailorGlitchStormal : HurricaneA r c a n e : LegacyCHROMATICArcane : DarkEtherealExotic · APEXMatrixTwilight : Iridescent MemorySailor : Flying Dutchman
Other EclipseOBLIVIONMemory
Limited or Unobtainable LightningChromatic : ExoticDivinus : LoveFlushed : Heart EyeCelestial : CupidBlossomDefinedKROMAT1Ki'm peachWatermelonSurferStarfish RiderSHARD SURFERSolTHE ROCKConstraintTestFind the probability of this aura.LAYERSAbominationKyawthuite : Iridescent MemoryTwilight : Viridescent Memory $%^Cruel!@#StardustTHERMAROAD TRIP赤い満月LUNATICSIRIUSHALLUCINATION:smiro:SamgongMONARCHyuyoDeepwoken
